
Nigel D. Allen achieved certification as a Mediator in 2012 and is an accredited certified member of  the Mediators’ Institute of Ireland.

Mediation is a process in which an impartial and independent third party facilitates communication and negotiation and promotes voluntary decision making by the parties to a dispute to assist them to reach a mutually acceptable solution.

Mediation provides a confidential and safe environment for the parties to air their issues and concerns with the other party at first hand and to hear the complaints, issues and concerns that are being made against them. The content of the mediation is confidential to the parties and the Mediator and can only be shared with a third party with the expressed permission of all parties except where natural disclosure would occur. The parties and the Mediator agree the terms of the mediation at the outset of the mediation.

Why Choose Mediation?

•Less Adversarial:

Mediation is an interest-based process based on consensus and collaborative agreement.

•Lower Cost:

Both in monetary and personal terms, mediation is inexpensive compared to rights-based interventions such as investigation or litigation.

•Preservation of Working Relationships:

Mediation works towards long-term solutions for the disputing Parties, and where there is an ongoing relationship places significant emphasis on how they will interact in the future.


Mediation belongs to the Parties. The disputing Parties control the content and outcome of the mediation.

•Creative Solutions:

Mediation allows for creative solutions which may not be available in rights-based processes.

•Protection of Privacy:

The confidential nature of mediation allows the Parties to negotiate freely and productively without fear of publicity.

•Swift Settlement:

Mediation can be scheduled soon after a dispute arises and following the pre-mediation meetings, can often be concluded in a single day.

•Preservation of Options:

Engagement in a mediated intervention does not preclude participation in a different dispute resolution process.

•Low Risk:

Settlement potential is high and there are benefits to participating in the process for all.

For further information on mediation please see